Finished the Eurohawks Requested Emblem
Please note that this image is for Eurohawk use only!
To everyone waiting on their emblems; I'm so sorry that its taking me a little longer. Like I said before, life is kinda running on slow-mo atm.
Aion play related...Isn't it sad that my husband and I are only lvl 25? Since we only play our "mains" when we can level together its a bit slow going since he works overnights and sleeps most of the day when I'm awake...Our alts (and we both have multiple alts) are about to outlevel our mains! *shrugs* At least we both enjoy gaming. One big happy gaming family!
Well, time to go grill some chicken that I've been marinading over night and make fajitas! Mmm...then I'm back on here to finish up at least 3 emblems!
Hey again :)
You do some amazing work with emblems :D
Anyway I decided to comment because I read about your mains being lower than your alts, its the same for me and my fiance we only level our mains together but we have conflicting work times so it doesn't really happen we're also at 25 on our mains and 25+ on several alts :)
It's good that you both enjoy gaming though I read your bio on the aionsource forums (Coz i'm just that nosey :P) and saw that you met your husband through MMOs? Thats pretty cool haha
Anyway Ill stop spamming your space :)
Take care
lol, no problem at all! Yeah my husband and I met on WoW. We were even on a rp-pvp server as different factions! Undead and Nelf, what a match. I was in an RP guild on alliance and he was in a hardcore raiding and pvp guild on horde. He borrowed a friends account to create an alliance character so he could join in on our rp events that our guild ran (we were very known for our rp events). I was one of the officers and actually invited him into the guild. I soon found out about his "other identity" and we spent lots of nights talking on vent as my nelf and his undead sat at an island in darkshore while he waited for bgs or raids to start. We finally agreed to meet a year later...and now we've been married for over 3 years with 2 daughters.
Thats an amazing story :) Especially the fact you were opposing factions! Such a lovely tale and congrats on 3+ years & 2 daughters :D, I seen one of your daughters art on our blog also its very impressive (I really like blogs haha xD)
Quite a heartwarming tale :)
Do you still play wow or fully converted to Aion? I got my fiance hooked on mmos he'd not even heard of them before he met me haha and I recently converted him to Aion - wow got too dumbed down for me and the re-release of old content was rather tedious. That being said I'm sure its still a great game but Aion has stole my heart for now.
I transfered my main WoW character (was created on release day and has transfered around to multiple servers with me) to my husbands account and just canceled my account. At one point were had 4 accounts (so we could play both factions on the same server) and now, we are officially down to one account on WoW. My husband still plays regularly, but I've completely committed myself to Aion.
Another beautiful Logo!
Like I said, I like your stile.
Like Firion I read your bio on Aionsource, yep, I'm noisy too I guess ^_^
Funny enough my boyfriend and I met trough WoW too. He was working for Blizz (in France) at that time and we were in the same raidgroup when he was off work. (One of the first ones on our realm)
What was unusal was that I was the Undead Girl Tank and he was the friendly Druid who often had to keep me alive in Molten Core.
We also got into talking lot on Teamspeak. And at one point decided to meet here in Switzerland.
Anyway, meanwhile he moved to my Country and works for the same Company.
We're both tired of WoW. Although I just had to finish my Achievments for that Drake :)
Other than Event I don't log in to WoW anymore.
Enough using your space. I talked to my Legion about having a logo done by you. We're still quite clueless and a bit shy, I guess.
For the next two week I'll be offline anyway, so I'll see what they think about it in meantime.
*cheers* from Switzerland
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