My Birthday and Lots-o-Aion
Yesterday was my birthday! (I probably wont be excited about my birthday here in a few years though) I'm getting up there, considering I've mentioned I started out playing Ultima Online, and I started out in their Beta!Anyways. I didn't do any work yesterday and all I did was played Dragon Age: Origins until the hubby woke up (since he works nights he sleeps till like 3pm) then we played Aion the rest of the day/night. We got quite a bit accomplished!
I got to run Training Grounds for the first time and it was more fun then I expected and hella good xp. Sucks you can only do it once a day! Otherwise, I have to praise my wonderful Aion Strategy Guide for leveling us up 3 levels in a few hours. We'll be able to do Training Grounds one more time if we do it before we hit 29 (which we are a few bars away from). Oh and did I mention I was completely SLOSHED all night?! Yeah...Lots-o-Beer for the Lots-o-Aion night, and Lots-o-Fun guild chat convos. I wish I would have gotten a screenshot of our shaved pussy-cat convo. Our guild is full of fem gamers, at least 8 that play very regularly, and I must admit, we are all pretty damn sexy too. We still need to all get to 50 so we can start our all fem pvp team! (requirements will be: Must be Female, Must be 18 or older, Must use Vent (for confirmation of femaleness and organization, and must love to flaunt that you are a bad-ass fem gamer) So, if any women Aion players want to join up...we'll be starting this once a few of us get to at least 45ish :D
*sighs* Well, I'm still suffering from a small hangover, so I'm going to lay on the couch, catch up on last nights House, then start working on those logo designs again...I want to get them to get finished by this weekend. Hopefully the clients will stop changing their minds on their concept!
As for a screenshot...I was too sloshed last night to think about taking any :( I'll get one tonight if I get a chance to play a little.
I would definately join an all fem PvP Party!
Bummer I'm on a German Server and to much of a lazy butt to re-roll. Plus the difference in time ... :/
But it will be nice to watch what you make out of it or even tune in for a chat :)
Tho' I haven't used Vent yet. Regular Teamspeak2 and occasional Skype-User. But for the fun of talking to a bunch of our kind I'd gladly install it.
And Happy belated Birthday! :)
Oh, I just realized it's a veeeeeery belated Birthday wish.
I didn't notice the date you tiped it *blush*
Well, hope you enjoy it anyways :)
Hey, found your blog after reading your tut on transparent backgrounds. I nearly gave myself a migraine trying to figure out how to do it. Thanks for sharing that info with the rest of the community. I'm gonna have to follow your blog now. Much love from Siel, blood for blood!
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